Topic: QED fluctuations and fractal objects One of the most striking predictions of quantum physics is the interaction of the electromagnetic vacuum with atoms and macroscopic bodies. Spectacular manifes- tations of this interaction are Casimir forces. Enormous progress in force sensing techniques and the fabrication of nano-structures have highlighted impressively the practical relevance of this…Continue readingPhD position opening 2024
Author: emig
Following our research on exercise physiology, we just released our new work based on our previously developed model for running performance. In this work we analyze more than 100 years of running world records from 800m to the marathon, since 1918 for men and since 1983 for women (why? Because until 1984, women were not…Continue reading100 Years of Running World Records
I’m glad to announce that our most recent work on general methods to compute fluctuation forces and heat radiation and transfer in nano-systems has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Quantum physics tells us that light (or the electromagnetic field) is quantized. One of the most striking predictions of quantum physics is the…Continue readingMultiple Scattering Expansion for Dielectric Media: Casimir Effect
Scientists worldwide, including all personal of CNRS, must join the world’s efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from their activities in order to limit global warming. For that CNRS has developed a low-carbon transition plan.While research has to reduce the impact on climate change, at the same time scientists are responsible for conducting research which brings…Continue readingGreenhouse gas emissions from research
PhD position opening
Topic: Multiple Scattering Approaches in Casimir Forces and Heat Transfer One of the most striking predictions of quantum physics is the interaction of the electromagnetic vacuum with atoms and macroscopic bodies. Spectacular manifestations of this interaction are Casimir force and heat transfer. Enormous progress in force sensing techniques and the fabrication of nano-structures have highlighted…Continue readingPhD position opening
Our results on mathematical modelling of human endurance performance will be presented in a plenary talk the 19th congress of ACAPS in Montpellier. This edition will focus on the contribution of technology and digital technology in physical and sports activities. My presentation will focus on the following topic:Taking the exercise lab to the real world: What can we learn from big data in endurance sports ?Continue readingMeet us at the ACAPS international congress in Montpellier
Sport Unlimitech is launching a major tour throughout France, dedicated to SporTech. The goal is to get closer to the talent, offer concrete business opportunities, animate local ecosystems to consolidate the French SportTech sector and prepare for the major competitions that lie ahead. A great opportunity to present our research to reseachers, athletes, and tech…Continue readingPresentation of our latest results at Sport UnlimitTECH
October 7th was a record breaking day in the world of track and field. Two new world records were set in Valencia, Spain: the women’s 5.000m (Letesenbet Gidey) and the men’s 10.000m (Joshua Cheptegei). Using our model for human running performance (see the latest publication in Nature Comm.), one is able to gain some interesting…Continue readingWhat can we learn from the new world records from Oct 7? Insights from our model
Real world data, such as that collected routinely in hospitals and point-of-care institutions, but also those now available from wearable devices, is projected to change healthcare dramatically. The data collected by wearable exercise trackers hold the potential to enhance our understanding of the interplay between training and performance. Our results are reported in a paper in Nature…Continue readingSmartwatch data from 14.000 marathon runners: our study just appeared in Nature Comm.
The Shanghai ranking of the top 1000 universities worldwide for 2020 has just been published. In Continental Europe, Paris-Saclay University becomes the best at its first appearance (it was established only at the beginning of this year), and takes the 14th place worldwide. Congratulations!Continue readingUniversité Paris-Saclay ranks 14th worldwide