Casimir Physics Opening

PhD position opening

Topic: Multiple Scattering Approaches in Casimir Forces and Heat Transfer

One of the most striking predictions of quantum physics is the interaction of the electromagnetic vacuum with atoms and macroscopic bodies. Spectacular manifestations of this interaction are Casimir force and heat transfer. Enormous progress in force sensing techniques and the fabrication of nano-structures have highlighted impressively the practical relevance of this quantum effect. Over the last decade, experimental studies of Casimir forces have advanced faster than theory. The reason for this originates from the difficulties to solve diffraction problems. In fact, a marriage of the classical theory of diffraction and quantum electrodynamics has shown that in principle Casimir forces can be computed from the scattering amplitudes of the interacting bodies. The corresponding scattering approach, however, is fraught with various problems from slow convergence and the lack of exact result for the scattering amplitude. This makes a new theoretical formulation for the precise prediction of Casimir forces highly desirable.

Recently, our group has developed an approach to efficiently and accurately compute Casimir forces within current experimental resolution for arbitrary shapes and materials. Our method involves a new level of abstraction as it treats wave scatterings within an isolated object on an equal footing as scatterings between different objects. This project aims at advancing our understanding of fluctuation-induced interactions beyond simple additive approximations and highly symmetric, idealized material bodies. Possible research directions include atom-surface interactions, actuation forces in interlocking configurations of nano-structures, interactions between small particles in biological systems, modifications to semi-classical approximations, and an extension of our approach to non-equilibrium situations relevant to heat radiation and transfer in nano-systems.

This project is directed to students with a strong background in quantitative methods from statistical physics.

To apply, please navigate to the website of the Doctoral School:

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